Reverse Osmosis Water For Your Plants

Reverse Osmosis Water For Your Plants

Spring is here and it’s the perfect season to spruce up the home or office with some indoor plants. Not only do plants provide aesthetic pleasure, but there are also some health benefits to having them in various rooms. It’s no secret that plants provide oxygen, but did you know that they can also help purify the air of toxins?

An English Ivy can remove benzene from the air, Spider Plant can purify air rapidly and removes formaldehyde. A Peace Lily can remove mold from the air and are ideal for bathrooms or any damp area of the home or office. A Philodendron should be placed in newly renovated homes or offices that have new floors, carpets, walls and etc because this plant purifies the air and removes formaldehyde.

A study from the Royal College of Agriculture in Cirencester, England had discovered that students had an attentiveness level of 70% when classrooms had plants in them. Having plants in classrooms showed an increased attendance during lectures. 

With all these benefits that plants provide, how many should you have in your home or office? A general rule of thumb is to have one large plant for every 100 square feet.  But having 2 smaller plants in 4-5” pots can achieve the same results. 

To make sure your indoor plants thrive, the first step is that they get enough sunlight and that they are watered regularly. But regular tap water isn’t the best option since it can contain large amounts of chlorine and other harmful contaminants. One of the best ways to purify tap water is with a reverse osmosis water filter system (RO). 

RO systems are known to eliminate as much as 99% of all contaminants found in tap water. These include VOCs, arsenic, lead, fluoride, chromium, radium, bacteria, viruses, and more. By stripping down water to its most basic form, one can easily introduce beneficial nutrients for plants. Since there are no contaminants in the water, the plant food won’t have to compete for space in the water and can be absorbed faster, which can result in healthier and vibrant plant life. 

Keeping indoor plants can be effortless, and it yields great benefits for those who live and work around them. Just remember, it’s as simple as providing plants high-quality water and ample sunlight to keep them happy. 

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